Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Act 3, Question 8

What occurs in Scene V to alienate Juliet from her family?


  1. Tybalt is murdered, and Romeo banished. This makes her sad for days on end, and to end her depression her father promises her to Paris and says they will be married the next day. She refuses, as she doesn't want to commit adultery. He parents get mad.

  2. The death of Tybalt or the fact Juliet is being forced to marry Paris and she doesn't want to and then Romeo is banished.

  3. Juliet's cousin Tyblat is killed and that makes Romeo more hated by the Capulets even more, so now she can't even talk to him mentally with them knowing. Then she gets more depressed when her father say "here's my daughter, you can marry her Hooray!" to Paris..Juliet's life sucks..


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