Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Act 3, Question 6

Review the Friar's plan in Scene 3. List each step of the plan in the left column of a chart like the one below. Next to each step, write things that could go wrong:

Things that could go Wrong

Go into google docs, make your table, and copy and paste it into a comment.


  1. Plan:

    Romeo escapes to Mantua
    They wait for things to cool down a bit
    Romeo announces that he is married to Juliet
    Then Romeo comes back to Verona

    Things That Could Go Wrong

    He could be caught
    His sentence could be changed from banishment to death
    The Capulets and Montagues could get really mad
    Prince Escalus could decide not to lift Romeo’s banishment

  2. Plan: The plan was for Romeo to run off and wait for things to air then he would boast about marring Juliet then the idea that people would be "oh ok peace is restored!"

    Things that could go wrong: That Romeo could get caught in the other town and plus he could get killed for speaking of the marrige


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